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Why Adam Needed Jesus

Part 9 of teaching number 84, The Fall and Rise of Adam, will be the final teaching in this series for now.

This topic can continue in many ways, but the story of the sons of God will always conclude with one end: Jesus. As we've learned with Adam, there is an ocean of details that no one in this world could ever fully explore, and that's why we all need the Spirit of God to live within us in full measure to help bring us to the truth of all these things. That's where our need for Jesus comes in. And while this series has mainly focused on the man Adam, don't forget that we are all represented by Adam, both male and female. So, in this teaching, I will speak of Adam as if it's you and I.

Adam needed help, and Jesus was the answer. Remember, Adam's soul was trapped in skins of flesh that carried over to the next generation, and so on. Every soul in Adam's family from then till now has problems entering heaven and remaining there. That's because the soul cannot escape sin and death without help. The mind of sin and death is the real problem for all of us. The consciousness of Adam's sin remained in every soul until Jesus came to open the prison door and let the souls of all be free to enter heaven. (Heaven is the dwelling place of God without sin and death, and can also be described as a consciousness we live in.)

A question has always revolved around the idea that if we have God, then what's the point of Jesus? And is Jesus the only way to God? The answer to this question is obvious and simple: if God is the destination, Jesus is the way to God, the truth of God, and the life of God. If you want to get to God and everything He is, then the answer is to go through Jesus to get there.

This statement is true because God made it true. Jesus is the one God sent to open the door to eternity, and if God chose Him, we should also. (John 3:16, 17:8) There is truth to the idea that "He is the One." He represents the doorway to all eternal things. He is the direct path to every secret of heaven and earth. He is the one with the answers to the questions that God puts in you.

When God chose Jesus, He gave Him power over all things; now everything belongs to Him. God gave Him the rule of His entire government; everything in the kingdom of God goes through Jesus. (Isaiah 9:6-7) In Him are all secrets to life and death, including the power of eternal life and eternal death. He is the Door between God and man. Without Him, the thoughts and ways of God would still be a secret to us. Living in the Old Testament without Jesus teaches us that.

The point is that Jesus helps us (Adam) focus on the right way to God, the right truth of God, and the right way to live for God. Jesus represents everything we need to believe in God and be one with Him. He helps us return to God after we (Adam) were sent from the place of the Spirit to learn how to master sin and death. His gospel teachings give us the right way to think and help us put the principles of God in our hearts that teach us to love God above all things and help each other come to that same conclusion.

He can be all these things because He is the Spirit that has been given all power over heaven and earth, life and death. Now, He can be in us through the Holy Spirit, which means we have no limits if we can believe in Him and get past ourselves.

Jesus is the Way, and the Truth, and the Life

Jesus' conversation with Thomas and Phillip in John 14 is packed with secrets that Jesus revealed to help us escape Adam's generational curse of sin and death. There is too much in these conversations to write about today, so I specifically focus on one part for the answer to why Adam needed Jesus.

If Jesus is the Door, which He tells us in John 10, and if we fully believe He is, then these conversations with His disciples help us know why we need to enter through Him to go to another place. (The Door is a portal into another world of perception and imagination. You are transformed into a new reality when you enter through the Door called Jesus Christ. He is The Word; therefore, His conversations represent the Door, and if you hear them, believe them, and live in them, they will lead you straight to God.)

In John 14, Jesus shows His disciples how to get to God (The Spirit) through Him, but they struggled to get past His flesh. They continually focused on the flesh, and it hindered them. When He spoke of going away, He was asked, "How can we know the way?" Jesus replied, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Because we have heard this saying for so long, it's easy to pass right over it, but today, we see it with eyes wide open. This saying of Jesus is one of the greatest secrets in the Bible; it deserves our full attention.

Jesus teaches us that if we can see past the flesh and see who He is, we will be one with the Father, just as He is. The answer for Adam is to return to oneness with His Father, and that's done through Jesus because He is the way, the truth, and the life that God provided for us to return to Him.

Why Adam needed Jesus.

After reading the Bible, I think it's clear that Adam represented the son of God who was bound to the earth and trapped in a consciousness of sin and death. Jesus was the answer to his great escape. Adam was always meant to return to God, and that is finished through you and I, who receive Jesus and are transformed into His likeness.

Adam needed Jesus because He was the answer to getting back to God. Jesus is the true life that you and I (Adam) should live. Being in flesh and blood has removed eternal life from us, but Jesus will give eternal life back to you if you can believe in Him and follow His teachings, which will unlock the secrets of life and death. That's why Adam needed Jesus.

Now that Jesus has come and restored Adam and all the souls of his generations, Adam can now say the same words that Jesus said: I AM.


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