Remember the bracelets from the ‘90s that said WWJD? (What Would Jesus Do?) It was very catchy and spread across the world. From what I can tell, the original idea was published in a book in 1897 and became popular in the early 1900s. It was revived in the 90s by a youth pastor to help remind a Christian youth group that they need to live a godly life and be more conscious of how Jesus lived His life.
It works by asking yourself WWJD in different situations and then applying the answer to your situation. While this subject may seem silly to some and yet inspiring to others, we can find a truth in this idea.
This idea is something we teach at length in our churches and on this website. The desire to pattern ourselves after the life of Jesus is a very good desire to have, and we should strive to do so. But there are some obstacles to overcome with this idea. The obvious problem is that not everyone is or can act like Jesus. He, after all, did have a set of skills that were specific to Him. The skills I’m referring to were powered by the anointing of God. He was full of the Spirit, anointed, and sent to do God’s will in every situation. To try and mirror the life of Jesus without the same anointing will be intimidating to say the least. With that said, there is a solution, and it’s easy to accomplish in your life.
The secret to being like Jesus.
In every situation you have in your life, if you want to know what Jesus would do if He were here today, it’s simple. Instead of discussing all the different situations that can arise, focus on the one thing that answers that question in every situation.
WWJD? He would love God with all His heart, believe everything His Father told Him, and then He would act accordingly. That’s what Jesus would do!
What about you? What will you do?
Following Jesus was never just about being the exact replica of Him. Your anointing may vary in perception. As long as you live by the words that Jesus gives you, you will do what Jesus does. It may look a little different according to the anointing you’re walking in, but if the anointing comes from God, then it is good. As you manifest the words of Christ in your heart, you will act as Jesus did. And in the end, it will be easy to see that you are in His likeness.
What’s the answer? Apply this thought to your heart, and you will not need a bracelet or a catchy phrase to remind you to Love God and believe every word He says.
As you grow in the anointing and establish your witness, it won’t be long before others around you start asking what you would do as an example for them to follow.