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What's the Secret to Growing in the Spirit?

Growing up should be awesome. When you're young, everything new is bright and shiny, and your desire for learning is off the charts. However, that's also when you build a foundation for your future, so growing up the right way is important. Today, I want to share a valuable secret to growing up that will change your perception and create a peace in your life that allows you to enjoy the journey.


What's the secret to growing in the Spirit of God?


The obvious answer is that you need Jesus and His Spirit to teach and guide you, but let's examine this idea more closely. 

What's also important is how God measures out His Spirit. If you are going to grow with patience, you will need to consider that all of us grow according to how much of the Spirit is measured out to us. God will measure out His Spirit to you as you are able to receive the truth. Most often, that is determined by your obedience and faithfulness to what you have already received from Him. In other words, what are you doing with what He gave you?


Jesus was God manifested in the flesh. As a boy, His soul had to learn many things. When He came to age, He was sent by God without measure to do God's will. To be measured is to have limits. Jesus had no limits when working the Spirit, which means He could be whatever gift His Father needed Him to be.

John 3:34-35 For he whom God has sent utters the words of God, for He gives the Spirit without measure. The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hand.

Jesus had no limits because God loved Him and could trust Him with anything of His. Jesus only had one thing on His mind: to please His Father.

Jesus could be given the Spirit without measure because of His faithfulness. God knew that He would not disrupt the Kingdom of God or take advantage of the power He received through the Spirit. Jesus was filled with love and commitment to His Father's will. There was no need to measure Jesus because He had overcome the flesh and walked in the Spirit of resurrection.

We use the term "levels of the Spirit" when we talk about growing in God, but I believe the appropriate way to discuss it is to realize how God measures out His Spirit in your life according to what He needs. Whether He needs to grow you up or send you to accomplish His will, God will measure out the gift of God according to where you're at and the purpose He needs to accomplish. 

Just like a parent would put limitations on his children, God will put limitations on His Spirit in your life to help teach and guide you to greater things. These limits are necessary for your growth, and they help you grow at the right pace and the right perception.

As God measures out His truth to you, it will help test your faithfulness to what you have received from Him. God uses measures to perfect you as you grow, so the idea that you are always doing something wrong because you're not all grown up yet is put away when you understand God's will to grow you in measures of truth. 

Sometimes, leaving an enemy in your life is important so He can teach you. It doesn't mean you have failed; it just means you are growing and learning.

What to do

This is simple: patience, patience, patience. Enjoy your youth, and be faithful to what He measures out for you. Upon His inspection, He will give you more as it pleases Him. Do not think more highly of yourself or think you deserve more. God's grace is a gift for us to walk in, so love the Lord with everything you have, and He will finish His work in you.

Scripture references

Proverbs 22:6; John 3:34-35; Ephesians 2:19-22; 4: 7, 11-14; 2 Thessalonians 1:3;1 Peter 2:1-3

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.


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