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What is God's Will?

Most people are focused on finding out what the will of God is for their own life. But have you ever taken yourself out of the equation and asked yourself, what is the will of God for God? Knowing what will is working in the heart of God will help you join yourself to Him and bring His will to pass in the kingdom of God, as well as your life and others. What is God’s will for Himself, His kingdom, and all of His creation? The answer is hidden because God made it a mystery. But thanks to Paul, by the Holy Ghost, he has revealed this mystery in his letter to the Ephesians.

9 Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He has purposed in Himself: 10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him. Ephesians 1:9-10

We can see that the will of God is to gather and unite all things in Christ and make them one. All things in heaven and on earth, even in Christ Jesus. God has a great desire to gather everything that is His and bring it into unity and oneness. This kind of thinking sounds like God to me.

The will of God is oneness!

We live in a very selfish world, and our attention is often given to ourselves and what matters to us. But what if we join ourselves to the will of God? What would that look like in us? The first thing it would change in us is our prayers. We would pray according to His will instead of focusing on ourselves and what we think we need. Praying for God’s will and the gathering of all things in Christ is exactly what the church needs to focus on. The unity manifested in the believers will significantly increase when we pray for the will of God that His church is united as one.

The church needs to focus on praying for God’s will and the gathering of all things in Christ.

Another thing it would do is change the way you perceive the body of Christ, as well as those who are not part of the body. If it is God’s will that none should perish, then you must begin to see everything in heaven and earth through that same perception. God is not offended at the world and has always intended to reveal salvation to everyone who will call upon His name. In uniting the people, we begin to see them according to the will of the Spirit rather than through the eyes of the flesh. God can do so much more among His people when we all see each other the same way He sees us. Both of these things speak to healing divisions in yourself and others. While things need to be divided for the sake of teaching and learning, to remain in constant divisions is an enemy to the will of God.

Because the will of God is a mystery, it has to be revealed by the Spirit. Even knowing the answer to the will of God will not cure your lust. You need a deep love and desire for God and His will to be able to walk in this knowledge. But when you do, it will change everything about what kind of person you are in His kingdom. Imagine going from a selfish person to one that illuminates the body of Christ. In this, you are willing to lay down your life for the sake of God’s will. The light of God’s kingdom will shine as a light for all to see. Your life would begin to be all about gathering together and upholding the truth of God while working to make sure no one is left behind.

To sum it all up would be to say that God cares about everything that belongs to Him. The heaven and the earth, all souls, and all creation belong to the Lord. He doesn’t want to lose anyone or anything that He has created. He will stop at nothing to see all things gathered together into one Christ. Let’s join Him in His will and be partakers of His great gathering that He so greatly desires.


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