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The Visual Thoughts of God

When my son was 10 years old, he asked me why he dreamed so much? So I asked him what his dreams were about? His answer was just a lot of random things and nothing really about God.

In hearing his dreams in the past, I knew that he had dreamed things that he saw on television or read in a book. He even knew where the thought came from at times that gave him the dream. So I said to him that many dreams are his thoughts speaking. Those dreams, in many cases, provide images for his thoughts. He said, Oh, so my dreams are a visual of my thoughts. I was impressed with his answer and said yes, that is true.

Many people dream earthly things based upon what they’ve seen and heard in their everyday lives. Things like conversations they hear or activities they’ve seen or been a part of. So then, if that happens in everyday life, imagine what it would be like if God talked to you. Imagine having a visual of God’s thoughts and His words to you. Have you ever thought about the scriptures that way? Have you ever considered how the Holy men of old could write such things? Take the writer of Genesis, for example. Where was he when God created the heavens and the earth? How did he know how the heavens and the earth were created, and how Adam was made from the dust of the ground? How did he know the descriptions of Cain and Abel’s offerings to God and His reaction to them? There are countless things like this in the scriptures.

Could you believe the scriptures are the visual thoughts of God manifest to us to reveal heavenly things? These writers did not write their books by just watching events around them. The Holy Ghost inspired and moved upon these men and wrote the things they saw and heard by the Spirit. Wouldn’t that be a greater witness and a more incredible testimony than the witness of man?

These men were witnesses of the eternal thoughts of God. Peter tells us that it was the Spirit of Christ that was in the prophets and testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ. Wow, that’s powerful! If they did not have the Spirit of Christ in them, they would not have been able to testify of the coming of our savior. Peter also testified that he had a more sure word of prophecy because he was on the mount of God in a vision hearing God’s voice, and he declared his witness that Jesus was the Son of God.

So let’s ask the question; did these men have a visual of God’s thoughts? The words they spoke and the witness they wrote say it all.

1 Peter 1:10-16, 2 Peter 1:16-21, 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Corinthians 4:18


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