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How Jesus Taught the Seven Churches

I was recently asked to sum up the seven churches in the book of Revelation in my own simple words. Without hesitation I immediately go to the first chapter and the last chapter of the book to emphasize how important the seven churches are to the revelation of Jesus. It’s made very clear that the Lord sent His angel to show His servants the things that must soon take place. You can find this in Revelation 1:1-2 and 22:6. But what is He showing His servants? This is the key question for the servants of God to understand so that they are fully aware of what happens on the Lord’s day.

This is where the powerful teaching of the seven churches begin to take form and are revealed for all of us to see. Thankfully Jesus gave this revelation to His servant John who revealed them unto us. In the first and last chapters you will also find the key verses that will not only show the servants what the Lord is doing but it will also define the seven churches. Even more than that it also defines the whole book of Revelation as well. Let’s read Revelation 1:10–11.

10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet 11 saying, “Write what you see in a book and send it to the seven churches, to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea.”

And now let’s read in the very last chapter Revelation 22:16

16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things in the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.”

It is clear to us that the entire revelation of Jesus was given to His servants to show what was to come in the seven churches. From start to finish God intended to establish His revelation of Jesus in these churches so that He could establish Jesus as the true King that would reign and govern the kingdom of God. At the same time it was to separate His church from judgment and reign forever with them in His kingdom. It’s very easy to get caught up in the imagery and apocalyptic events of this book and overlook the simple key point to this revelation. This whole book takes place on the Lord’s day in the seven churches. Once you know this you will begin to focus your attention on several important parts of this book. God loves His church and wants to reveal to them the things that has separated them from Him so that He can restore them back unto Himself.

Now that we’ve established that this revelation is to the churches let’s look at the way Jesus taught the seven churches and let’s focus specifically on chapters 2-3 which details out the seven churches. There are five parts that I want to cover in these chapters. In each church the Lord did five things to manifest their disobedience and show them how to join Him as an overcomer. When I list these things I want you to apply these five things to yourself. After all you are His church.

Five things Jesus did in the seven churches

  1. Jesus revealed Himself to them.

  2. Jesus revealed the good in them. (obedience).

  3. Jesus revealed the bad in them. (disobedience).

  4. Jesus instructed them on how to overcome.

  5. Jesus promised them rewards for overcoming.

Why would Jesus use these five parts to talk to the churches?

One simple answer among many is that He needed to separate the churches unto Himself so that He could exalt them with Him while bringing judgment and tribulation upon the wicked. This is the work of God that He would establish His throne and His Lordship among the nations and everything that defiles itself against the Lord will be destroyed. All wickedness is separated and judged so that the kingdom of our Lord can remain righteous and clean. That’s good news for us because as we join with Him we will have an eternal place to live without sin and death, pain and sorrow, fear and torment. What a great joy that is for us to be a part of, but first we must allow the Lord to work these five things in us.

These are the five parts of the revelation of Jesus that will get you from disobedience to being obedient and rewarded by God. Each church follows a very similar path in teaching you to be an overcomer with Jesus Christ. When you read about each church you will see these five parts in one way or another. Each one is powerful in itself but when you allow Jesus to work all five parts in you then your church will leave from being a disobedient church to becoming the church of the living God. The faithful and true church with the revelation of Jesus written on your forehead and in your heart.

Let’s look closer at each one.

1. Jesus is revealed to you.

Everything starts with Jesus being revealed. In simplicity this is so that when you see Him you know what a true glorified conquerer and overcomer is. By being transformed into His image you become an overcomer with Him against sin and death. It is His word to you that will do the work of making you an overcomer. You will need this as you go through tribulation.

2. Learn what you’re doing right.

After Jesus reveals Himself to you, somewhere in your learning He will tell you what you’re doing right. This is so that when your sin is made known you will have something good to compare it to. This is where division starts. Without good there can be no evil. Without obedience there can be no disobedience.

3. Learn what your disobedience is.

This is where you are made aware that you have disobeyed God. This usually trips people up because you’re being told what you’re doing wrong and that can easily condemn you . Remember, without this revelation of sin and disobedience you cannot be an overcomer. Overcoming your disobedience is a big revelation in the churches.

4. Receive your instruction to overcome your disobedience.

This is crucial to you being able to overcome sin and disobedience. Instruction is God’s “how to” on turning from sin. It will tell you the details of what you need to do to change your way from disobedience to obedience. If you are disobeying, it’s usually because you don’t know the right way to obey the Lord. Follow His instructions and you will overcome. Guaranteed.

5. Receive your reward promise for overcoming your disobedience.

This is what puts hope in you and gives you the strength to follow the instructions you have been given. To know there is a reward for your obedience helps you to obey God’s instructions until your reward is fully accomplished. These rewards are amazing so don’t take them lightly. They are your future.

These are the five steps that the Lord used to teach the seven churches in the book of Revelation chapters 2-3. If you follow these five steps you will always have success as an overcomer in your life. This was very needful for the churches because there is much tribulation to endure as the wicked is judged and destroyed. If you don’t have the right mindset you will count yourself as one of them and be destroyed with them. But if you follow these things you will overcome and every wicked enemy that has tried to destroy your love for God will torment you no more.

Be sure to check out teaching number 7 as we learn some details about steps 3-5 and why instruction is the key to overcoming disobedience.


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