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The Right Choices

Some choices are made before you are born, which have much to do with God. For example, God knew Jeremiah while he was in the womb. He even sanctified and ordained him to be a prophet to the nations, all before he was born. God predestined the prophetic word in Jeremiah so that he could choose to join himself with God and be His prophet, and he was a mighty prophet of God.

To make this predestined word true in Jeremiah's life, he had to choose to follow what God had already chosen for him. When you look closely at this example, you see two choices involved. First, God chose to make Jeremiah a prophet. Secondly, Jeremiah agreed with God, making His will true.

The choice of God is sure and predestined. He empowered Jeremiah and sent him forth to prophesy the word of the Lord. God made that choice and ordained it to be so. Once Jeremiah agreed with God and joined himself to the words spoken by God, Jeremiah also became predestined to do the will of God and prophesy as God's mouthpiece.

This example of Jeremiah is the will of God in a very specific send. God chose him, and he chose God, and together they fulfilled the specific purpose of God in heaven and earth. Not every choice will be built on a specific send from God. There are other kinds of choices that affect your life in a big way but don't come with the same specific purpose. They are the choices that are made every day in your daily life.

Make the right choices every day.

Many of these choices don't come packaged with a visitation of the Lord. You may not always get an angelic proclamation when it's time to believe God and be faithful to His word. These choices are made because you love the Lord, and when you hear the word of truth, you believe it and choose to follow it. You decided that whatever it takes, I will live for God and glorify Him with all that's within me. (That's making the right choices.)

If you expect consistent visitations of God's Spirit, you need to be aware of this one thing; you must make the right choices in your life. You won't be given the riches of the kingdom by being slothful in your choices. Otherwise, you will either mishandle the word of God or use it for selfish gain.

If the Lord has called you a disciple, you must choose a life that follows Him at all costs. And that means that all the little choices count in a big way. I'm not talking about the things like eating or sleeping; these things are just part of life and usually come naturally. I'm talking about our need for God.

What choices will you make to put yourself in a position to hear from God?

Will you give yourself over to the Lord and live a life of sacrifice in your doings, or will you choose to be negligent in receiving the truth? We live this life here on earth, and before we know it, it's over. It goes fast, and time catches up to all of us. How we choose our existence here will make every difference in our walk with God and preserve our eternity in heaven.

What is your response when God needs something from you? He doesn't ask for something you can't give, only what you have or something you can obtain with His guidance. How do you view the need of the church? How much are you willing to give of your time and your money? How much are you willing to serve the creator of the earth by your efforts here in your life, believing that every choice makes a difference? Every choice you make to serve God in truth in your life will have great rewards.

I know there is a great deal of hypocrisy in organized religion today, but that doesn't mean that God doesn't have a remnant of His elect that will bring forth the glory of God. I don't despise anything I did for God growing up, and in doing many things, I can learn what pleases Him and what doesn't. And when it is all said and done, it is only the things we do for God that last anyway.

Many choices matter in our life, some little, some big. Some are as simple as will I go to church today or stay home? Will I meditate on the word of God or watch TV tonight? Will I pay my tithes and offerings and bless the church, or will I spend it on things I desire for myself? Every choice has an effect and an outcome. Bad choice, bad outcome, good choice, good outcome, and both outcomes are subject to God's perception.

It's the bigger choices that may cost more in your life. Like would you take a job for less money just so you could give your life to the fellowship of God's word in your life, knowing that the higher paying job robs you of time and fellowship? Would you change your whole life, give up everything you've ever known, and move to a different place because you want to seek the truth of God above everything else? Every one of our choices defines who we are and what we believe. Will you sit there until you die, or will you get up and trust God by choosing to do something for God?

Your choices are built on what you believe. It's your beliefs that cause you to make the choices that you do. It's easy to say you believe something, but your choice will tell the real story.

If you believe God can save you by His word, you will seek His word night and day. You will go after the scriptures for your salvation. You will hear every word that comes forth from the minister of God who is speaking God's words. You will pray and wait patiently that God may open His mouth and speak a word to you. Your choices will be a doing of what you believe, and the Spirit of truth will be what accomplishes it.

Sometimes people ask me what choice they should make about certain things in their life. I always want to speak the truth to them, but I have learned that not everyone wants to hear the truth. Many say they do, but their choices speak the opposite of that. Sometimes stepping out on a limb is the hardest thing to do. In this life, it usually means giving up something you have desired. But if God is with you, then there is nothing to fear because the right choice always brings great fulfillment in your life.

In a recent conversation, Matthew 13:44–46 was read aloud to us who were present.

44 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy, he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. 45 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, 46 who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

One important thing stood out to me in these parables. Once you find the treasure or the pearl of great price, you will sell all you have to purchase that treasure or that pearl. Jesus did this when he saw you buried in the earth; He sold all and gave His life to purchase you.

My point in adding these parables is to answer the question; how do I make the right choice? The answer is simple, once you find your treasure, making the right choice will be easy.

Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


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