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The Physical Life

I love to talk about the eternal life of God in my teachings. The things I write are from the intimate experiences of God in my life. The eternal things are the life within us that causes us to live in Christ forever. They are the things that cause us to know God and His Son Jesus in ways that man could never do in his ability. They are the words of God that allow us to see and experience the heavenly thoughts of God and see things from His perception.

But not everyone has heard the eternal word of God in the light of eternity. Some things, without God, revealing them to you, are hidden. If they are hidden, you need your ears opened to the higher thoughts of God. If this is the case, continue to love the Lord because He will share His secrets with those who love Him.

For many, the journey to God begins with living life in the flesh and is mostly a physical awareness. You love God and believe His word, but you are not aware of many spiritual experiences. That may seem small to some, but not to me. I know if you are following the Lord, then He put His word in your heart, and you have believed it enough to give your life to hope of greater things to come. Although, given a chance, I’m sure you could find something in your life to testify about what God has done for you.

Your faithfulness to the Lord tells your story, and I love that. Even the apostle Peter said, “Though you haven’t seen Jesus, you love Him, and though you still do not see Him now, you believe in Him and rejoice with joy that is unspeakable and filled with glory, obtaining the outcome of your faith, which is the salvation of your soul.” (1 Peter 1:8-9) That’s big-time stuff because believing doesn’t always mean you see everything.

I started this way myself. I have one belief that I still follow to this very day. I believe that God anointed the men and women of the Bible to speak truth to me, and God’s mercy allowed me to possess a written book with all the secrets of God in it in my physical life. I believe the Bible is true, and if that is all I have, I will follow it until the day I die. That kind of belief got me to where I’m at today. The coolest part about it, though, is that I didn’t put that belief in myself; God did. Then God began to add to it with greater experiences through time and commitment.

The physical life

Sometimes, as far as seeing and hearing, all we have is our physical life to learn from. Many people need their physical life to have an opportunity to learn about God and His kingdom. God set it up this way, but there are things to be aware of while learning this because there can be pitfalls. The real secret is to make sure the Spirit of God is guiding you through it.

Although Jesus said His kingdom is not of this world, His visitation to this world puts a stamp of approval on our learning from it. That doesn’t mean that the world by itself can teach you anything. You don’t want to base your learning of God from just this physical world because there is much corruption that can persuade your perception. The Spirit of truth, the anointing, teaches us all things, and without it, we are just learning worldly wisdom in this world. The world’s wisdom is not from above; it will be sensual, devilish, and ultimately be a mocker in your life. On the other hand, we do have the opportunity to learn while in our physical life if we can put ourselves in the right places to do so.

As an example, I’m saying that in my own life, I’ve had the opportunity to be friends with others who have had experiences with God in their life. Because they have shared those experiences with me in my physical life, God has had a great opportunity to speak to me and teach me many things. I could choose not to be friends with them, but that would separate me from the witness of God. I believe that we are given many chances to put ourselves in the right situation to be taught by God in our life. But do we believe God’s word enough that we are willing to set aside some of the earthly things we love and give our time and passion on the earth for the things of God?

Your physical life will mirror your relationship with God.

Let’s face it, if you have the fruit of the Spirit working in your inward person, then the fruit of the Spirit will be a big part of your physical life. On the other hand, if in your physical life you are trying to walk in the fruit of the Spirit without it working in your heart, you will not be able to continue in it; it will only be a mocker. Trying to walk in places of God that you have not possessed in your heart will be impossible because you, as a human, cannot be like God without His divine help. However, they are possible with God because all things are possible with God. Jesus proved that being God-like is possible on the earth when He manifested the mystery of godliness.

How to live a physical life?

Give your life to the things that you have believed in God. Do good in the things you know to do good. If all you know is to do good by going to church and hearing the word of God, then don’t let anything stop you from going to church and hearing the word of God. God will quicken in you greater hope and a greater word to partake in. If you know that you should search the scriptures, then search them diligently and let God speak to you through His many witnesses who say the wonderful works of God. If you know to pray, then pray and learn to hear God’s voice that you may one day have a continuous fellowship with God and bring forth a powerful witness in Him. If God has talked to you, declare His word with confidence that all may hear and glorify God. If you have money to give, then give your tithes and offerings unto the Lord that the work of God can continue on the earth by a physical testimony that all of our children may have the same opportunity to hear the truth as we have.

In everything, be a doer of His word so that you may glorify God in your body and life.

Are you a preacher? Then preach the word of God with power and authority! Are you a singer? Then sing the praises of our God with a loud voice! Are you a worshiper? Then with all your heart, worship God in Spirit and truth with your hands lifted high and your mouth rejoicing in the day of the Lord. Are you a helper? Then help the work of God with your hands by your faithfulness unto him. Do you have prophecy in you? Is there a word of an apostle in you? Is the evangelist in you? Let’s do these things for His namesake.

Whatever you do, do something! Don’t let yourself become a hearer of the word and not a doer of the word, deceiving yourself. Give your physical body to God by simply being obedient to the things that He has caused you to believe. Give action to your faith. Put works with your beliefs, don’t just say you believe, don’t just say you have faith, show us your faith by your works, and let God be glorified in your physical life before all men.

It all belongs to God!

Every word of God is to the inward man, but it applies to your physical life. They are housed together in your life so that you can live for God and see results in manifestation. God is one! Your body is one! That’s how God made you, so bring forth the works of God in your physical life. Get your corruptible flesh in line with the beliefs in your heart. Your flesh won’t like it, but who’s in charge of who? Your desire in this physical life should be to love God with all your heart, believe God with all your heart, and glorify Him with all your heart so that your words and actions look like Jesus. Amen!

In Galatians 2:20, Paul said, “I have been crucified with Christ. I no longer live, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

Many people want to compare themselves to Jesus and the apostles and how they lived on earth. I love the idea of being like them. They are the best of the best examples we have for faithful living in the world. They are powerful witnesses of spiritual living. But truthfully, that’s a big ask for a young believer. I suggest that you learn to do what they say first, and when you accomplish that, you will be who they are.


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