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The Dream that Changed My Perception of Adam

This teaching is part 6 of teaching number 84, The Fall and Rise of Adam.

As I stated in the first teaching in the series “The Fall and Rise of Adam,” number 84, I mentioned that two men are major contributors to the story of God and their role in bringing forth our eternal salvation. The first Adam, whose name was Adam according to the earth, and Jesus, the second man, and the last Adam, who was of the heavens and taught us the right way to live on the earth in flesh and blood. (I might also mention a past writing called “The Do-Over,” number 19, which also speaks to how Jesus was the do-over for the first man Adam. It tells of how Jesus got it right after Adam’s failure. You might want to check out that writing again. Jesus was the do-over for every failure of God’s people throughout the Old Testament.

Now that we are six teachings into this idea, seven counting “The Do-Over,” I would like to add some thoughts to this series that will help bring into perspective why I think the way I do as I write out these teachings. The Bible always plays a significant role in the teachings on this website, but I have witnessed many dreams and visions with the Bible that have made my Bible wake up and come alive. The Spirit of God has that effect on all believers.

I’ve had many dreams and visions, starting in my early days when Jesus appeared to me. You can find that testimony in teaching number 50, “Jesus is Alive; I’ve Seen Him.” My dreams have formed my testimony of Jesus Christ and confirmed that this whole story of God, including the Bible, is all about Jesus Christ in us. God’s great desire is all about the oneness of people and spirit, which is joining two together and making them one. Just like He joined the Jews with the Gentiles, He is also joining the earth back to the heavens, and that means joining people back to the Spirit and making one people who are wholly earthly and heavenly at the same time. Only God could do such a thing and make all things new.

That means everything we have and experience in Jesus Christ will occur within us by the Spirit. The manifestations in our world are just effects of our walk with God. People make up our world, not things. The real world is in us, not outside of us. The story of Adam, from first to last, is within us all. I intend to wake that story up in all who will believe.

The dream that changed my perception of Adam.

Several years back, I dreamed I was in a spiritual place. I didn’t completely understand where I was, but I recognized it as a heavenly place in God. I heard a voice begin to speak to me. I knew the voice to be God. As always, His words were direct and to the point.

God said, “I am going to put you in a womb, and you will be born on the earth. When you are born, you will forget everything I tell you but don’t worry; I will come and remind you. As you grow up, you will begin to experience four things you must overcome. You won’t understand them, but I will come to you and remind you of this conversation.

  1. Lust (Thoughts that continually want more).

  2. The Strange Woman (She gives you a way to create an image of your lust, and puts action to the lust to conceive cares of life).

  3. Cares of Life / Vanity (Helps builds your kingdom).

  4. The Glory of Man / Pride (This creates an image of yourself to be worshipped and makes yourself God).

You will struggle with these things until you understand them but don’t worry, I will come to you and remind you who you are and why you are going through them. When you remember, preach my gospel.”

In this dream, God said He would remind me three times. This was very comforting because it let me know God never forgets His word in you and me. It also taught me that there was a beginning with God that I did not remember. This dream was the primary reminder of the conversation with God, but every time God speaks to me, He reminds me and helps me remember my origins with Him from beginning to end. This teaches me that my life didn’t start with my physical life. There was a beginning in the Spirit that needs to be remembered. I believe this applies to all of God’s people. (2 Timothy 1:8-9)

This dream was also a game-changer in my perception of Adam. Although the dream didn’t mention Adam specifically by name, I knew who God was talking to. In this dream, it was clear that Adam was told similar things before he was put to sleep and sent out.

This whole dream was my experience of Adam going out from God, and in this perception, I realized that instead of going out of heaven (The Garden of God) in a fallen perception like Adam did, I was being sent out in a perception of a son of God who had to learn how to overcome in the mysteries of good and evil. Sin was present in my life, but instead of walking in a fallen, forsaken mindset, away from God, I was continually being visited by Him to remind me that I was on the earth to walk in the secrets of eternal life, not because I had failed God and He was mad at me.

Before this dream, I did think of myself as a fallen son who left God, but after this dream, my perception of the fall changed, and I realized I didn’t leave God, but my knowledge of sin separated me from Him. Once this perception was changed I understood what Paul said, “Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells within me.” (Romans 7:20). Once my perception of sin changed, I understood that sin was something other than me. Then I could walk free in the Spirit to serve God and grow up in Him while overcoming every sin of the body.

This perception is the one Jesus had when He was sent to the earth to walk as a man. He faced all these things, yet He grew in wisdom and understanding and was beloved of the Father. He didn’t walk like the first Adam, who carried his sin for thousands of years in his generations. Jesus walked in remembrance because His Father continually visited Him, and He walked according to all He saw and heard in the Spirit. I learned that I could have the same perception that Jesus had because I was being visited by the same Spirit that visited Him.

This story of Adam is masterful yet very personal to us if we can believe God as He reveals it to us. You and I are God’s children sent out from Him, not because we failed Him, although we did, but because we were always supposed to go out and learn the secrets of God.

This is such a big and powerful story that continually expands as God reveals all secrets to us. Be patient, and let’s trust God to come and remind us of everything He told us before we went out from Him.


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