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The Do-Over

If you know anything about the Bible, you know about Adam and Eve. They are the first male and female that the Bible talks about in the early chapters of Genesis. The Bible teaches a story about the first man Adam and how he was with God before he decided to disobey Him. Adam’s disobedience wasn’t just a simple misunderstanding; it was a catastrophic sin that God could not excuse. Adam defiled his eternal life and the eternal life of all of the generations after him. Because of the sin, God had to remove him from the holy place and protect it from becoming defiled. Outside of God’s covering, he would have to learn what he had done against God and then find forgiveness to return home. It’s an amazing story to think about, but more than that, it’s a story that each of us will live for ourselves. It will be the greatest story you have ever witnessed when you have completed it.

It wasn’t that God couldn’t forgive Adam for what he had done; it was Adam who couldn’t forgive himself. He became overwhelmed by the result of his disobedience, which caused him to spiral out of control into the grips of sin and death. If God had not removed Adam from the holy place, sin would have defiled eternal life forever. God had to protect His holy place to remain undefiled by death. You can catch up on the details of this story by reading Genesis 1-5.

Over time the generations of Adam created much chaos on the earth. Violence, death, hatred, envy, lies, and the list goes on. Living in the world has become a dangerous place because of the death and corruption that has worked in people’s hearts. Understanding this way of living is very important because it applies to us today. Adam passed down his sin and death to us through his generations. The Bible tells us that in Adam, all die, meaning that we will all experience the death of the first man Adam. Spiritually speaking, you are Adam if you can believe it. The same fear that controlled his life after he sinned is the same fear that holds many people today. This fear is a powerful spirit that is behind many different manifestations. The same sins work in us today because we are of Adam’s generations that need salvation.

When Adam sinned against God, death and corruption entered his life. Sin entered the world, and pain and sorrow followed shortly after. This corruption began to destroy the life that Adam and Eve once knew. It wasn’t without warning; before Adam sinned, God warned him that death would come when he made wrong decisions. Adam disobeyed anyway, and now we have to deal with this same death that Adam experienced. The world we currently live in now results from the sin and death that works in each of us. Precisely, in the same way, yet different than it worked in Adam and Eve.

We have hope in Jesus.

Thankfully we have hope. God sent Himself in the form of sinful flesh and made a way of escape for all of us. The Bible says that in Christ Jesus, all will be made alive. The first Adam brought death, while the last Adam, Jesus, brought life. This example teaches us that we have hope against sin and death and that we can also experience the same life that Jesus Christ experienced by being regenerated and made new by Him. The life that Jesus lived without sin opened a new way to overcome sin and death. This new way gives us an incorruptible life free from sin and death. This new life removes the power of death from our hearts and will restore us to the holy place where it all started. A place where we have a genuine connection with God. A life that will not end after physical death.

Jesus is the do-over of the first man Adam.

If you haven’t heard, Jesus is the do-over of the first man Adam. He is the last Adam that came without sin. He destroyed sin and death and purchased our lives to return to the holy place and have eternal life. The idea that you will never be separated from God again is exciting. But if you are going to be delivered from the death you shared in Adam; you must also share the life in Christ Jesus. If you are to live in Christ, you must change death to life, which means the first Adam must be changed, and the last Adam must take his place. Read more on this in 1 Corinthians 15.

Your do-over.

Jesus gives you the chance to redo your beginning. If you can imagine that you are Adam, you will realize that this story is about your fall and redemption. The daily sin and death that works in your thoughts can be changed to thoughts of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Imagine having perfect peace while living in a world full of evil and chaos. Only Jesus can secure that testimony for you.

To go back and do something over the right way, you have to realize that you got it wrong the first time you did it. If you sinned against God, you need to learn what you did wrong to correct it. This is a simple principle that must be recognized to begin to admit that you did something wrong to get yourself in such a bad place. Your choices have consequences, and you must learn from them. I’m talking about your spiritual sin and death, for which you have to be accountable yourself. We can’t blame others because our sin didn’t start after we were physically born. It began in Adam, and now we are dealing with a beginning of sin and death that we don’t remember until the Lord calls us to repentance.

It’s important to know that spiritual disobedience is more significant than physical disobedience. You may not commit the same sin that Adam committed in the garden, but his sin is still present with you today. When you learn what sin caused you to fall, you will know what you’re repenting from. One secret I can give is to look at your manifestation in life and discern the patterns you have created. They might lead you to a spiritual awareness so you can find your origin of sin.

Even if others have taught you wrong, you still can’t blame them for your choosing to believe their lies. When you grow up and begin to see that your choices created the life you live for God today, you must act in repentance to remove your sin. That’s the key; when we see it, we must seek change. When you accept your failure, you can now learn why you live in sin and turn to Jesus to receive the exit plans for leaving sin and death.

The answer is to restart the story so that the future turns out different.

The story with Adam is relatable to all of us in some way. The conclusion of his sin has brought us all to a place of weakness in the flesh. Our lives become fragile, and we wonder why God left us. But even in death, God remembered Adam and sent messengers to speak words of truth that would save him from sin and death. God never forgot Adam, nor will He forget you.

As long as he was able to receive the words of God from the prophets, he had a chance for deliverance from death. That’s why the words of God are so valuable to us today. They get you ready to receive Jesus when He comes. They are what save us from every enemy and restore life into our souls. They recreate your beginning and give you another chance to get it right.

(Keep in mind that every generation who came forth from Adam was still Adam in the flesh and is an example of the death he lived in up until the last Adam, Jesus Christ; who came and took Adam’s place in death and crucified it to the cross.)

Let me repeat it, but a little different.

The greatest thing about salvation is regeneration by the Holy Ghost. It is a do-over. When you make the wrong choice and enter into death, salvation is your chance to rethink your choices by the truth you receive and now make them according to the obedience of faith. These choices are where you redeem the time you have lost and make all things new by the eternal Spirit.

If we are in Adam, and his death, then the work of Christ must come so that we might have a chance to go back to the garden of God, where it began with Adam. Instead of choosing to eat from the tree of knowledge, we would rewrite the eternal pages of the gospel of Christ and eat off the tree of life and live forever. (We can do that now by eating off the right trees among us that speak the truth to us.) In the process, we would forget our past life of sin and death and begin to walk in the newness of life.

The work of the Holy Ghost in regeneration is the removal of the old man and the old mind. It gives us a new body and a new man with a new mind. This man is spiritual and walks in the Spirit. But to erase the curse of death and remove yourself from the first Adam, you must experience the power of Jesus Christ in regeneration. He must transform you by renewing your mind, releasing you from the path you chose in Adam and putting you in the way of righteousness that He has always planned for you from the beginning.

The longer you linger in the thoughts of death, the harder it is to come out from them. Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might and move forward unto the Lord, believing that His word will change your life and give you the strength to become what He says you are.

That means that you can be born again of the Spirit. The word of truth erases the death you have lived in your entire life in your experience with Adam. And the sin and death that has plagued you are remembered no more by God, and you are a new creature created in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

Now salvation and regeneration are like going back to the beginning and starting over brand-new and living the way God intended for you to live.


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