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The Apostles' Doctrine

Acts 2:41-47 So those who received His word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls. And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching (doctrine) and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. 


What is the Apostles' doctrine?


A doctrine is a teaching. The Apostles' doctrine is the teachings of the Apostles sent to establish the Lord's church upon the name of Jesus Christ. It is the teachings of Jesus through the apostles who have witnessed first-hand the revelation of Jesus Christ through the Spirit of resurrection.


What do you get when you take the law of Moses and add Jesus to it? You get the apostles' doctrine. The New Testament is a new covenant because Jesus brought a new way of thinking to the world. He taught His revelation, not from the works of the flesh, under the law, but a work done unto God by the Spirit from the heart. The gospel of Jesus was a game-changer for all who would believe. (How Jesus Taught the Law).

The apostles' doctrine is the same teachings that Jesus taught but greater. It was greater because, while Jesus came to open heaven and establish a new covenant between God and man by giving His life for the world, the apostles expanded on the new covenant and revealed many hidden secrets of God that would ultimately reproduce Jesus in the same world He saved. They shed light on the mysteries of God to the followers of the new covenant. 

The Holy Spirit sent the apostles to build the church upon the teachings of Jesus Christ and help understand spiritual ideas. These new spiritual ideas helped the church walk in His Spirit. 

The apostles' doctrine is the teachings that will help you establish your eternal life and everyday life in Christ while living in the flesh. These teachings give you the power and ability to walk faithfully in this world as an established member of the body of Christ, which is to say, you will be an established church. (You are the temple of the Holy Ghost.)

The apostle Paul, for example, knew the power and effectiveness of doctrine and lived his life as a father and teacher to the churches he started and other ones he had a part in. His words to the church in Corinth stated his firm position in the proper teachings to these churches. 

1 Corinthians 3:9–11 For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building. According to the grace of God given to me, like a wise master builder, I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Let each one take heed how he builds upon it. For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

To build correctly, you must have the blueprint of the kingdom of heaven. The apostles got their blueprint from Jesus. This blueprint, which is the words of Jesus, guides the church in uniting the whole kingdom. Every temple constructed is built with the same guidelines in mind. (The temple is the new body He gives you when you are born of God.) These guidelines are the doctrines that come from heavenly-minded apostles. They are the visionaries and voices of God's one gospel, and God sends them to establish the foundation for the saints to live by and walk in.

When the apostles were sent by Jesus and commanded to go into all the world and preach the gospel, they went forth and taught many different diversities of truth. They were always bearing witness to the testimony they received from the Lord in the Spirit. While there were many things to command, exhort, reprove, and teach the people, the apostles' doctrine is always focused on the revelation of Jesus and oneness with Him and His Father.

The apostles' doctrine builds your spiritual house after believing and receiving Christ. If an Apostle is present, these teachings will be in the church he built. Although there are a lot of truths that the apostles' taught, you can see all their teachings in a few subjects. Again, Paul was a skilled master builder. He knew that a strong foundation was the key to a strong church; therefore, continuing with these principles is essential.

Some examples of the Apostles' doctrine

Here are a few key teachings of the apostles. Even though the apostles used these as separate teachings at times, they are one doctrine representing a new body walking in the works of God. Following these teachings, you can walk in the Spirit with great freedom and a strong purpose. This doctrine has more teachings than listed here, but this is a good start.

  1. Jesus is the Messiah that was prophesied to come.

  2. Oneness: Jesus and God are one.

  3. The Resurrection of Jesus. (Jesus died and rose again).

  4. Jesus is the only way to God.

  5. Salvation is to all nations, Jews and Gentiles.

  6. The body is now the temple of God.

  7. The sons of God- new man vs old man.

  8. Mystery of the husband and the wife.

  9. Righteousness vs the law of Moses.

  10. Grace is without your works.

  11. Faith with works.

  12. Gifts of the Spirit.

  13. The mysteries of God.

  14. The mystery of sleep.

  15. The mystery of iniquity.

  16. The spirit of antichrist.

  17. Eternal judgment.

  18. The day of the Lord and the second coming.

What to do?

Learn the teachings of the apostles and follow them closely. Jesus said it best; "If you continue (abide) in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."

Scriptural references

John 8:31-32; Acts 2:36-47; Ephesians 2:17–22; 1 Corinthians 3:9–11


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