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That's a Good Idea

We have a lot of ideas that go through our minds every day; some are good and some not so good. Many ideas result from something we see or hear, and it stimulates us toward a thought. Many of our ideas are built upon an emotional moment where we were inspired by someone or something. That can be good, and that can be bad as well, depending on what it is that is inspiring us. Most ideas never come to completion because they are fleeting thoughts built on those emotional moments. They go as fast as they come.

It’s easy for this mindset to work its way into your walk with God. Have you ever been inspired by a preacher before? Ever thought you just heard the best teaching of God in your entire life and went as far as to say that it was a life-changing word, to only turn around the next week and utterly forget you even heard it? When you were in an inspired mind, you had all these great ideas that would change your life. Like, be more faithful toward God in your life. Pray, study, and seek God like never before. When you are inspired, there are plenty of good ideas about your walk with God. But is it just a good idea that you had to satisfy the need to be greater in your mind than you really are?

There are times that the idea of serving God is greater than the commitment of serving God.

Ideas can be great because they work in the realm of imagination, where anything is possible. But bringing forth that idea depends on many things. Sometimes the idea of serving God is more glorious than living for God. I always talk to people who love the idea of walking in the Spirit and having the anointing working in their life. But when the truth reveals what it will cost them to have that anointing, it turns out that what was a good idea stays just that, a good idea. Others like the idea of being anointed and even love the thought of laying down their lives for the gospel’s sake. Still, motivation is lost somewhere between the idea and the action. Because of the lack of commitment and enthusiasm toward God, it’s very easy to live in a world of make-believe, where procrastination works overtime. It’s where we like to think that we will be more faithful. The idea sounds so good; we make all the plans but never follow through with the thought.

Just having an idea of truth is not the fulfillment of that truth.

The lust of other things can enter in and choke out the idea of truth that God sows in you. Think about the concept of having truth in your life. Truth sounds good until it starts challenging the lies hidden in your perception. We all say we want the truth, but when it comes, do we love truth because it can give us an appearance of righteousness, or are we willing to allow truth to purge us of all unrighteousness? Look at anyone in the scripture that walked in truth; it cost them something, some more than others. The apostles that walked with Jesus were a great example of that. The idea of Jesus Christ living in your heart can be exciting, but you must also realize that when He comes to you, He is more than just a good idea. You will have to choose His life over yours and follow Him. To follow Him is more than just a good idea; it’s faith with works. It’s the fulfillment of that idea in your life.

Years ago, right after I graduated from Bible school, I bought someone a gift for Christmas. It was a study Bible that had four different translations in it. This person was amazed by this gift. I honestly don’t remember anyone getting more excited about a gift than this person. The reason is that he had this idea that he wanted to study the Bible. All he talked about was wanting to learn and explore the Bible so that he could be in ministry. After receiving his new Bible, he had the right tools to accomplish that. All that was left was the actual commitment to this good idea. After several years of watching this person, I saw his gift rested on the same shelf as all the other good ideas: the living room bookshelf. This was a small thing, but it greatly impacted my life. I learned those good ideas are more frequent in people’s lives than a real commitment to God. It’s still true today.

Have you thought like this; that if I only had this thing or that thing, I could live for God? In reality, it’s not the surrounding that has to be right to serve God; those with a genuine heart serve God out of love for Him. It’s obedience and faith that bring forth fruit unto righteousness.

The truth is that until you learn how to turn good ideas into good works, you will continue to have good ideas about who you are in Christ Jesus, with no evidence proving it was a good idea.

Living your life on the earth is a great opportunity to experience Jesus Christ. If you want to make the most of this opportunity while you still have time, then don’t let your relationship with God just be a good idea.

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