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Keep Your Eyes Open

In today’s world, we grow up with at least some awareness of the Bible and who Jesus Christ is. Not everyone falls under this category, but many do in some way. Those who are raised by religious family members have heard about God in one way or another their whole life. That can be good, and that can be bad at the same time. It’s good for you because it creates awareness in you of the existence of God and lets you see that there is more to this life than your daily grind. When eternal life is awakened in you, you want to know more about it, so it allows you to seek God out and learn for yourself how real He is. Lastly, it does teach you some basic principles of God. It can be harmful if it becomes a routine in your life and heart because you’ve heard it so much that you disregard the need for an experience with Him.

Previously I wrote about how the disciple of Jesus in the New Testament didn’t know who Jesus was when He started His ministry. They had an idea He was the Messiah, but after He called them to follow, it took time to learn who He was. The longer they were with Him, the more they experienced Him. Before He came, they were given a promise that a Messiah would come and reveal the Spirit to them. These promises spoken by the prophets kept them looking for Jesus. They took these prophecies seriously even if they weren’t considered part of the educated people. (Ones who were well versed in the law of God.) That was one big reason why He was able to call them His disciples; they had put themselves in place to be ready if and when the Messiah showed up. (Some disciples were already following John the Baptist.)

If you look for Jesus, you won’t miss Him when He comes.

We are in a similar place where the promises of God have been given to us by prophecy. We need to walk in an expectation of their coming. The correct expectation given by the promises of God provides us with the ability to wait for the Lord so that when He shows up, we can receive Him. Whether it’s experiencing Yahweh, Jesus, the Holy Ghost, or the second coming of the Lord, we are looking for Him in our lives to make His presence known so that we can experience Him for ourselves. We must be looking for Him to be ready for whatever our next experience will be.

The question that you want to ask yourself today is how diligent am I in looking for the coming of the Lord? What is my expectation of His promises that He’s given me? These questions help define the point I’m making. We cannot think for one second that we have what we need. There is always more to come in Christ Jesus. Don’t think that because you were raised with the knowledge of Jesus Christ that you know who He is. You must seek greater awarenesses through a spiritual experience with Him. That’s why I say we are no different from people in the Bible. We have a similar life because we are all looking for the Lord to continue to fulfill His promises in us. If you’ve stopped looking for Him, then it’s time to stand up, refocus and go after the promises of God.

In seeking the Lord, there are levels, so to speak, of what you should be looking for. Salvation, faith, wisdom, and understanding are some things. But then there are what we might call event moments in your life. Like the day you meet Jesus or when He heals you or opens your blind eyes. Separately or simultaneously, He sends His Spirit and fills you with the Holy Ghost. After that, you’re looking for His second coming or the day of the Lord. All these experiences are promised to us by God, and no matter where you are in your life, you should always be seeking and looking for what God has next for you. I’m not talking about seeking things out of an evil desire for self-gain, but because God is leading you to greater visitations as you continue in the truth of His word.

Today, these words are a short but big reminder that you don’t want to have Jesus come and find you sleeping. Look for Him, and you will find Him. Knock at His door, and He will open it. Ask Him questions, and He will answer. The day of visitation could be at any moment; keep your eyes open.


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