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It All Matters to God

If you haven’t read the teaching on “The World God Set in Your Heart is an Eternity” in the classroom, I encourage you to do so. Since I wrote that teaching, my thoughts have been in much meditation on those things. I’m very excited to be a part of what God is doing. I believe in the witnesses of God so much that they have literally transformed my life and still are. These things I write about are real, and I believe they will also change your life. I write a lot about the eternal things because that’s my testimony. That’s the way God is revealing it to me. I want to be a faithful witness to speak of the things I’ve seen and heard of Him, that all glory may be unto Him forever.

In saying all that, there is a thought that I want to express to you about your life. You were born here on the earth to have an opportunity to return unto the Lord, a different person than how you were born. Everything in your life here on this earth matters. The choices you make in life have a big part in your walk with God.

Every time you choose to fellowship the truth with someone, it matters. It matters when you give your financial support to God’s work. Every time you find time to meditate and pray, it matters. It matters when you choose to give yourself to the ways of God over your own lust. Every time you are obedient to God’s will, it matters. Speaking truth to someone instead of lying to them matters. Holding your tongue and not striving with people matters. Being a faithful mom or dad matters. Keeping your commitments to others out of an honest heart matters. Every chance you have to put yourself in a position to remember Jesus Christ matters.

For you are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body and spirit, which are God’s.

It all matters to God because everything you do today creates what you will be doing in eternity.

When something belongs to God, He can take it and use it for His will. There are many examples in this life to learn from, some good and some evil. But remember, only the things that are remembered in heaven will stand for eternity. If you want your life to matter in this world, give your body and spirit to God because everything you do unto the Lord matters!


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