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I Must Decrease

This week I’m going to introduce a new way of teaching that I will be doing from time to time. I write many things and try to cover a lot of detail. We’re coming up on one year of teachings on this website, and sometimes it’s the simple truths of God that make a big impact in our lives. Short and simple is good.

In these teachings, I want to follow a specific pattern. (1.) Ask a question (2.) Answer the question. (3.) Give a short explanation. (4.) Give simple instructions to fulfill the answer in your life. (5.) Give scriptural references.

Look for the shorter teachings to be numbered with lighter gray numbers. I look forward to your feed back on these shorter teachings. God bless you.

I Must Decrease!

John 3:30 “He must increase, but I must decrease.”


What did John mean when he said, “He (Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease”?


My ministry of baptism in water unto repentance must decrease so that your ministry of Spirit baptism by fire can increase.


Many people grab this verse and quote John to use it as acknowledging that they must decrease in the flesh so that Jesus can increase in their life. That answer, however, needs to be used in the right context of what John was saying. John knew it was time for Jesus to come forth in His ministry of the Spirit. For that to happen, his ministry of water baptism had to decrease so that everyone could go to the next level in believing in the Spirit beyond repentance.

This is a great example of each member of the body of Christ playing their part in fulfilling perfection. John prepared the way for Jesus to come. After John decreased, the ministry of Jesus increased, and we were taught how to live and walk in the Spirit.

What to do:

After you have been baptized in the water of repentance, don’t linger there. Let that work be a forerunner for the coming of Jesus. Begin to look for Him, let Him disciple you, and baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire. It's time to walk in the Spirit.

Scriptural References:

John 3:30-36; Matthew 3:11; Luke 3:16


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