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How To Know God's Voice

Having God in your life is a huge deal. There is so much that He can impart to you to make your life so much more significant. He adds more love, peace, joy, faith, and hope, to name a few. These things become part of your life when God is a part of you. The effect God has on you is life-changing in so many ways. So much that you can’t honestly even describe it in words sometimes, it is something that you have to experience for yourself, and if you do, you are the better for it.

After the decision to walk with God is made, there is much more to learn from Him as you go. Above all, there’s nothing more important than being able to communicate with God. Communication between you and Him will keep you joined perfectly in sync with His will for your life. Separation from Him will be your enemy.

If communication is such a big part of your walk with God, it must be equally important to know His voice when He talks to you. After all, you wouldn’t want to miss Him when He speaks by not recognizing His voice. That’s why I wanted to give you a few good pointers to help you along your way. These examples have helped me through the years because the Lord taught them to me.

But first, you must keep in mind that God is a Spirit who is eternal, immortal, and invisible. For you to relate to God or even come close to knowing His voice, there must be great work done in you. You are flesh and blood, who is learning that your real identity is a spiritual being, born after the nature of God. So learning to hear the voice of an invisible, eternal Spirit might be a challenge to some.

Since you have decided that you will follow God, that part is out of the way. That means you don’t have to be convinced that there is One True God anymore. But as I stated, there is much to learn after that decision is made. The biggest question for many is how do I know if it is God speaking to me or just my own thoughts?

After much experience, the answer is easy to find. With much experience, you will have seen God prove His word many, many times for the purpose of His will. So doubting within yourself, whether God is speaking to you, will not be a problem. By that time, your thoughts become one with Him, and you will do whatever He says.

That’s not the case at the beginning. The prophet Samuel was one of the greatest prophets in the Bible. When he was young, he didn’t know God was talking to him at first. He had to be taught how to hear God’s voice and what to answer when God spoke to him again. God’s voice must be learned, which was the case with him. If you’re willing to be patient and make the journey, you will also learn to become very familiar with God’s voice on your way to being a great angel in the kingdom of God.

One other vital part of this is that you must be taught God’s thoughts and His ways. He speaks in a different language than you, so the more you are taught His speech, the more communication you can have with Him. The more of His language you learn, the more confident you become. One way to start learning His tongue is to give yourself to the word of God daily. You can begin by diligently reading your Bible, which will help you learn how God thinks and how He does things.

For learning His voice, I will begin with a few reasons why you should learn His voice and then a few ways to learn His voice. These are crucial things to establish within yourself if you know God.

Why You Should Learn God’s Voice.
  1. So you can have communication with God.

  2. So He can tell you who He is and who you are.

  3. So He can tell you His will for your life past, present, and future.

  4. So you will not follow other voices that will deceive you.

How To Learn God’s Voice.
  1. Learn His language and His interpretation.

  2. Learn all voices, both good and evil. This will help define God’s voice against others.

  3. Listen to others who have learned and proven God’s voice. They will help guide you.

  4. Put what you hear to the test. A tree is known by its fruit.

John 10:27 Jesus said, My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish, and no one will take them out of My hand.

Remember, it’s ok to follow someone who can hear from God. This might be the right way at first until you learn God’s voice for yourself. So if you get stuck, obey number three, under how to learn God’s voice.

It is imperative that you also desire to grow up and be established with God for yourself. In this, the kingdom of God will be multiplied when you become a witness of God who speaks His word and teaches others also. Be patient, though, and give yourself to learning His voice first, so the growing up becomes easy after that.

One important thing to consider is number two, under how to learn God’s voice. When learning all voices, both good and evil, make sure the Spirit of truth is leading you. You wouldn’t want to give yourself to every wrong spirit that talks to you.

We will continually address all these things in other teachings, so learn how to connect the different instructions as one teaching to finish the work.

Now go learn to hear God’s voice for yourself.


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