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What to Expect When Following Jesus

There is a lot to look forward to when you commit your life to Jesus and begin living your eternal life. As you continue letting Jesus teach you the truth of His revelation, the more your life will change in every way. Your thoughts, speech, and actions will all change because of the effect that His words will have on you. The greatest thing it will do for you is changing your heart. If your nature is changed, your entire being is changed, which is a big reason to get excited.

You can expect things to happen as you continue on this path. In this teaching, I will outline a few things to help create your expectation as you follow Jesus, so expect these things to begin to happen in your life.

01. Three things will happen to you as you grow.

These things will happen early on and continue to happen to you on many different levels.

Jesus Christ is revealed to you.

Jesus is the one that has all the answers. All secrets of God and all mysteries of the Spirit realm are found in Him. If you know who He is, you know who you are.

The good and the evil is divided for you.

True salvation begins with the division of the soul. When good and evil are fully divided in you, you will know true discernment, and no truth will ever be too hard for you to receive.

God is building you a spiritual house.

God’s real dwelling place has always been in His people. God wants to build you a home that is not made with the hands of flesh but a spiritual house that He can abide in with you.

02. Your life is established as you do these three things.


Belief has the power to transform your life. God will always be faithful to speak His words to you so that you can have eternal life. All that’s left now is for you to believe.


Actual change takes place from within the heart. When the teachings of Jesus are applied to your heart, your life is changed and made new with a real purpose and clear direction.


Growth is the most obvious principle of God. As a child, you are born with the ability to grow in wisdom and understanding so that you can become who you are meant to be.

Confidence and stability are gained by believing God’s word and allowing it to change you. As you do these things, growth happens automatically.

03. Keys to following and learning.

Trust the teacher.

He is the creator; let him lead you. He will teach you the words of eternal life that will create the right way to think, see, and hear. Trust him and follow his lead.

Be Teachable.

Don’t bring your own expectations; let the teacher create them for you. The key is to empty yourself of your ideas and your goals and be taught a new way by the Spirit .

Love the Truth.

Truth is the ultimate freedom. Having the truth makes you free from the captivity of fear and false hope. Truth erases the divisions of many and unites them as one.

04. Follow the Leader.

Are you ready to learn the things that only God can reveal? We know the Bible is a great book to understand spiritual things, but we also know that it can be just a book of knowledge that we use to try and perfect our flesh. If we don’t have a spiritual perception, it can be just another book in our library.

The question then becomes, what makes the Bible come alive, and how are the spiritual secrets of God revealed? The simple answer is to follow Jesus, who is the one who gives the Bible the power to come alive. He is the only one with the power of resurrection from the dead. Make Him your teacher, and He will guide you in the truths of God that will reveal the hidden mysteries that have been kept secret until now. The rest of the details to these questions are answered as you follow the words of Christ daily and let Him reveal all things to you one part at a time.

05. You will learn to focus on what matters to God.

We focus on what matters, and that’s changing your inward person. To focus on this is to focus on what matters to God. The best way to live a physical life is from the inside out. The Bible doesn’t just teach you how to think spiritual or see spiritual, but to be spiritual. That’s what matters to God. Even if you live a long healthy life, what then? What will your life be in eternity? The truth of God prepares you for your eternal life, the life that matters now and forever.

To do this, you must start with God, who is your creator, and be taught by His Son Jesus Christ, the one He provided to reveal all the secrets of eternal life to you. Through Him, you will go from death to life and be changed from the inside out. Righteousness, truth, and love all work in you from within, not without. When the word of truth changes your heart, you’re changed forever.

If you came to this website, then you’re looking to learn more about the truth of the Spirit of God. True disciples of Jesus Christ follow daily and are faithful and committed, ready to lay their lives down to learn the secrets that save their souls from death. In a world that’s increasing in the spirit of antichrist, Jesus is Alive! We have seen Him! We will follow Him and do His work forever.

If you’re ready to learn, get your Bible out, and let’s get going on your new spiritual life.


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