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High Time to Believe

Today I have a short but clear word to say to you. For all those who have followed this website and those who drop in from time to time. For all those who attend our churches, and those who attend other churches. Bless you, all, for your faithfulness to give yourself to the word of God. I know and am very confident that as you follow the word of God, He will increase His word of truth in you. It will not fail to bring to pass what He has started in you. There is too much at stake for Him to let His word fail in you.

I give myself to these writings because I am passionate about sowing and reaping. I believe more than ever that if we continue in the word of God, the truth will sow into us and work a mighty conversion that genuinely pleases the Lord. Life is short; we have this massive opportunity while in this life to please the Lord with our body and spirit, knowing that both belong to Him. “For you are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” 1 Corinthians 6:20.

If you believe anything the Lord has ever spoken, then it’s time to stand up and rejoice in the salvation of the Lord. God has an abundance of glory, an inheritance of the eternal gifts that belong to His children. The devil has waged war against God and His offspring, but he will not prevail. I SAID HE WILL NOT PREVAIL! God’s faithfulness has already triumphed against all his lies, and now it’s the believers who will carry out his final demise.

We are the overcoming saints that possess the kingdom of God.

We live in a world that is structured to reject the power of faith. Seductions are all around us. But I ask you; who will look to the heavens? Who will carry out and defend the wonderful works of God that He has established in your heart? Will it be you? Will you believe God at His word? Will you follow God when no one else will? Will you forsake all to experience the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ? Are you the believer that He’s looking for to join with Him in His great revival?

Just the experience of one word from God has enough power to change your life forever. Believe in that word; trust in that word; His word is truth. It’s not time to compare yourselves with others. It’s not time to keep pondering your shortcomings. Now is the time; high time to awake out of your sleep, for now, is your salvation nearer than when you first believed.

It’s high time to Believe God!

No matter where you are in your walk with God, it’s time to believe all that God says and walk in that confidence. God will not forget His word in you. I love you with the love of God, and I believe that God has great things for His people. So this is a rallying cry for the believers to rise and prepare. The battle is still in front of us, but so is the victory. Get ready!

We have the truth of God in us, and we are called to a revival of believing. Shake off your weaknesses, put off your doubts and rise to the occasion. Get in church as much as you can—Fellowship and converse with other believers. Give yourself to the work of God. Let His story become your story.

You are a believer; it's time to act like one!

In the next few postings, I will focus specifically on the believer. If you have any questions about the believer that you would like me to answer, please email me at, and I will add those to my writings.

Continue in the truth, my friends; God bless you all,



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