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God Want's Adam's Body Back

This teaching is part 5 of teaching number 84, The Fall and Rise of Adam.

The teaching on the body of Adam is most intriguing, not least because it means that God doesn't create something and then leave it all behind. Adam was the first man, and God cherished His creation and remembered him forever. With this in mind, we need to talk about the skins God put on Adam and Eve when He sent them out of the Garden of Eden.

In the last teaching, I referred to Adam as one who could live forever in an earthly body before sin entered him. Sin made him corruptible so that he would die on earth. To clarify, Adam died a spiritual death of the mind when He sinned against God, but when God put garments (coats) of skin on Adam, it was then that his body died as well. Adam lived 930 years after that.

Let's discuss this idea more closely. First, we must examine the skins God provided Adam as a garment. Before Adam was sent out of the garden, God clothed him and his wife with garments of skin. Some people say that God provided a sacrifice for Adam and used the skins of animals to cover him. This idea represents the sacrifice of bloodshed that Jesus would accomplish in the future, but I perceive these skins differently than that.

God put Adam and Eve in skins of flesh like He did Jesus when He came to earth. (Hebrews 10:5; Ezekiel 37.8) Jesus was clothed in flesh and blood and had the burden of mortality because of the body of death covering Him. God became a mortal man that could die, and that's what these skins did to Adam and Eve.

Fortunately for Adam, Jesus knew how to put off the skin of mortality in His death and resurrection. Jesus knew how to overcome this fleshly body in His earthly life and could walk in the Spirit without allowing sin to dominate Him. He found it easy because He knew it wasn't the earthly body that controls a person, it's the mind, and His mind was sin free. Jesus understood good and evil and wasn't seduced by it when He was in the world.

Adam, however, was put in the same skin, but his mind couldn't handle it because he didn't understand good or evil. Therefore, walking in the flesh became a burden that pushed him and his generations to the test and caused him to yield his flesh to sin rather than walk humbly before God as an overcomer. These skins of flesh became his home, and his generation succumbed to the fear and condemnation of living in the flesh and not understanding what was happening. Sleep was present, and they couldn't escape it.

Let's rehearse this idea again. The skins that God put Adam in were the skins of corruptible flesh that could die. (1 Corinthians 15:53-54; Galatians 6:8) It's the same idea God had when He put His Son Jesus in flesh skins.

What you have in Adam is a fallen son in the skin of corruption, but in Jesus, you have a new man in the same skin, but with an understanding of the Spirit; therefore, He didn't allow His flesh to be corruptible as we know it. He had power over His body, and that's how He was able to give Himself as a sacrifice to God and not just die a corruptible death like the saints before Him. (Acts 2:31) His flesh did not see corruption.

The difference between these two is that Jesus was awake while on the earth, but concerning the skins of flesh, He was no different from Adam in that He still needed a body resurrection to escape from the earth and be free of mortal skin. Being awake was insufficient for Him to return to heaven in His finality.

Because He was awake, He could access heaven and even live there in His mind. His Spirit could enter heaven and commune with His Father, but His soul remained on earth until His resurrection. So being awake was the Spirit of resurrection that He lived in. That's why He could say I am the resurrection and the life. But until that was manifested in His body on the earth, it would only remain inwardly.

Adam could not walk the same way as Jesus. One obvious reason is that Adam was asleep; therefore, the resurrection was impossible. He couldn't escape the mind of death or the skins of the flesh until He was awakened. That happened when Jesus manifested on the earth and walked in the same skin as Adam. Jesus was the new version of Adam. The first Adam was earthly in the beginning, but Earth was not defiled as we know it now. Therefore, the earth was a spiritual place where Adam could learn and grow. He hadn't been put to sleep yet; he was just young in his understanding.

Being earthly initially was good because it meant God had vessels on earth to govern His garden and creation. But once Adam sinned and sin entered the world, the earth became earthly in a way that was separated from God. That's why Jesus came and joined Himself to the earth so He could reconnect it back to the heavens making them one again. He knew the earth belonged to God. After He resurrected the body, He planned a new heaven and earth recreation.

Jesus came and taught us what a full-grown Adam would have looked like in the garden of God if Adam had understood. The fact that Jesus wasn't like the first Adam in that He couldn't be put to sleep teaches us that He knew how to obey God even when He lived in an earthly mortal body. He didn't believe the lies that said He was merely a mortal man; He knew who He was and where He came from.

Adam was put under the garments of skin and was trapped there for many generations. We all died in Adam; therefore, we also are trapped with him until Jesus saves us. Jesus came and entered the same skin and crucified it to death, changing it to a new earth skin that could live in heaven and earth. We see that clearly when He appeared to His disciples on the earth after His resurrection. His body was earthly, yet spiritual, ready to reign in the heavens and the new earth.

The true man of God appeared after the skins were removed.

The only way to remove those skins is by partaking in the resurrection of Jesus. That means you put off the old man and put on the new. After Adam's fall, the apostle Paul referred to Adam as the old man and Jesus as the new. What lives under the skin is the key to death or life. What spiritual man are you born of? Answer that question, and you will know, or at least begin to learn, all the secrets of your salvation.

But I extend this writing to say that Jesus showed us what was under the skin after His resurrection. When He began to appear to His disciples, He had an earthly body better than the one God gave Adam in the beginning. (I encourage you to reference the last teaching to reference more about this.)

Jesus' Body After the Resurrection

Interestedly enough, Jesus, with His new skin of flesh and bone, could enter locked rooms and appear to anyone at will. That makes His new earthly body one that cannot die.

  • He was spirit and bones. Luke 24:36-43

  • He walked with two men. Luke 24:13-15

  • He ate with His disciples. Luke 24:30, 42-43

  • He appeared in locked rooms. John 20:19,26

  • Philip put his hand in His side. John 20:26-29

  • Discipled handled the word of life. 1 John 1:1-2, John 20:11-18

  • He could change appearances; those who saw Him were unaware it was Him. Luke 24:15-16, 36-41; John 20:11-18

  • He vanished. Luke 24:31

  • He could fly as He was carried up to heaven. Luke 24:51

It's now evident that there are two different earthly bodies that you will take on. There are celestial bodies and terrestrial. Celestial is heavenly, and terrestrial is earthly. After Jesus experienced the resurrection and changed His earthly body, He can now take on both bodies and have power over heaven and earth.

The secret is to overcome death. When you overcome death, corruption, and mortality, has no more power. And then, the devil has no more power, either. These same promises are for us today if you can believe them.


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