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Follow These Things

The Lord teaches us that we are spiritual beings that need to learn how to forsake the flesh and walk in the Spirit. But let’s be honest, that’s not always the easiest thing to do. The carnal mind has embedded itself into our nature and sometimes puts a chokehold on our walk with God. There are a lot of distractions in this world, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be faithful to God.

Sometimes you need sound guidance to get things moving in the right direction. There are enemies to deal with in you, and you must learn how to overcome each one. Don’t sweat the journey, follow these things that I’ve listed below, and you cannot and will not fail.

Love God above everything else.

This is the first commandment, but it must be your first obedience. Put your heart into it, and always make the Lord your first and top priority. The entire law is fulfilled in two commandments; love the Lord with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself.

Trust the word of prophecy.

Prophecy is showing you your beginning and end, as well as everything in between. Prophecy reveals who you are in the way that God sees you. If you’re going to become what He has prophesied you to be, you will need to keep His word in front of you at all times.

Know that it was God that put you here.

It was God who did this, who put you here. He will not hold back anything from His children, and it is His will to teach you the story of heaven. That’s why you are here. He will not leave you or forsake you, and He will finish everything He started in you.

Be patient.

When you hear spiritual revelation, do not frustrate yourself by obtaining it too quickly. You may not understand it yet, but it’s meant to provoke you to new spiritual heights. Learn to give yourself to good meditation without working the works of the flesh. In patience, you will possess your soul.

Be thankful.

You are called by God and have been given the ability to return to Him. That is a lot to be thankful for. Embrace your hardships and be thankful you have the opportunity to learn Christ and be an overcomer with Him. While on the journey, thankfulness embraces God, while complaining leaves you to die in the wilderness.

Give yourself to the word of God.

Do not fear reading your bible, learning the knowledge of God, or believing spiritual things that you’ve never heard before. It’s easy to fear the knowledge of the scriptures but remember that no matter how much dead knowledge you have in your mind, God loves to resurrect dead things. He will make your knowledge a living word written in your heart.

Pray, Pray, Pray.

Prayer is how you communicate with the Spirit. God loves talking to His children. At first, your prayer is learning how to speak with God correctly. Even if you think it’s not helping or that you’re praying wrong, prayer will teach you to take the time to give your thoughts and meditations to God. Prayer is your opportunity to learn to think and speak like a spiritual being, just like the angels do.

Be obedient.

Always be willing to do what the truth commands you to do. Those that love God will be obedient and keep His commandments, no matter what your emotions and feelings are saying to you. If disobedience separates you from Christ, then it’s your obedience that will return you to Him.

Preach to yourself.

Continually speak the word of God to yourself. The word of God is what heals the sick, raises the dead, and casts out devils. Don’t be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation if you will believe it. Be fervent to preach the gospel to yourself. It is your salvation that you are preaching.

Sing to yourself spiritual songs.

Those who are of God sing the song of the redeemed, the theme of heaven which praises and worships God. Every song you sing in your heart should glorify God. And, you don’t need music to sing the song of the Lord; glorify God.

Edify the good.

Do not praise evil. Praising and exalting the good things will remove the negativity out of your thoughts. The good seed in you needs watering, so edify it by believing in it every day. As it is enlightened, it grows because the Lord will increase its needs. Rejoice in God and always illuminate the good because the good in you will always overcome your evil.

Keep close.

The closer you stay to those who love God, the better off you will be. They are your heavenly family and will always speak the truth to help you. Keeping close to the ones that have spiritual understanding will keep you in remembrance of all the words of God. Separating yourself is an act of the flesh and will always produce lies and condemnation and put you into a place where you forget why you are here and what God has for you. Make heavenly fellowship your home and remain there.

Continue in the truth.

Never give up seeking after God. His promises are eternal, so though you do not see the results you want in the flesh, have faith that the Spirit of God is doing things in you that you have not seen yet. Stopping only fuels the mind of death and puts you in a place of forgetting God. Continuing in the truth is remembering the truth.

Trust God with all your heart.

Learning to walk in the Spirit is not easy when you have been taught to live in the flesh your whole life. It’s new, different, and sometimes scary, but if you trust the Lord, there will be a day where everything God has told you will come true. Trusting God makes you vulnerable, but there is no safer place to be than in God’s hands.

May the Lord bless you and keep you in the mind of peace as you all make this journey through the valley of the shadow of death and into the eternal kingdom of God.


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