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Don't Get Too Comfortable Here

I wanted to write something very simple for you today. I hope this message will be a reminder that if you are in Christ Jesus, you are not of this world.

John 18:36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”

In the world is a great opportunity for remembering God! It was made for the benefit of revealing salvation to all those who are outside of God’s kingdom. Everyone put on the earth by God must learn that they are not of the world. When God’s Spirit calls you and leads you to Him, make sure you stop what you’re doing, put aside everything that hinders you, and give your attention to what God is saying. What God speaks to you will be the only thing that gets you out of the world and into the kingdom of God.

If in your life, you get caught up in everything around you, then it will be tough to remember God. If your thoughts are always given to earthly things, you miss the opportunity to escape the world. The witnesses of the Old Testament confessed that they were just strangers and pilgrims on earth, having seen the promises of God afar off. But they were persuaded by them and embraced them. They lived their lives in a constant seeking of deliverance from the world. They all died in faith. What a testimony they have given us.

How much more shall those of us who have received the promise of God through Jesus Christ confess eternal life by putting off the old man with his deeds? Jesus has gone away to prepare a place for you - so don’t get too comfortable here on the earth, or you might be here a long time.


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