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Does God's Truth Matter Anymore?

In a world where truth has become whatever you make it and want to call it, we need God’s truth more than ever. Self-empowerment will eventually reach its breaking point, and we will all see just how bad the reality of self-awareness can be. It’s already become evident, but the worst is yet to come. Believers will suffer, but it’s what Jesus said would happen, so no surprise there.

The words of Jesus have always stood true. He said that the way to eternal life is narrow, and few will go this way, but the way to destruction is broad, and many will follow that way. The two ways that He refers to are the two different ways of truth—God’s truth and our truth without God. I still call it truth because it all started as God’s truth, and people have changed it and defiled it to become their truth. (Galatians 1:6-10) I may refer to “their truth” as someone other than yourself, but make sure you hold yourself accountable to this teaching, as I do. This world I'm talking about is first in you.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:13–14, Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

James gives us a similar example in James 3:13-18 when he compares the two types of wisdom. One wisdom is from above and is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. The other is not the wisdom that comes from above but is earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. He says there will be confusion, disorder, and every vile practice (evil works) where jealousy and selfish ambition exist. These are the two types of truths.

We will live by one truth or the other. Heavenly or earthly, God’s or man’s, good or evil. Thankfully we have been allowed to learn the difference between the two, so we can follow the narrow path and enter into life by the one truth of God.

Looking back at Matthew 7, Jesus emphasizes how important it is to build your house on His sayings. A wise man builds his house on a rock, which is the truth of God, and the teachings of Jesus. The whole chapter is full of different truths to follow. But in verses 13-14, the two ways to live are found. One way is God’s truth, which is the narrow way that leads to life. The other is man’s foolish ways, which is the wide way that leads to death. The two ways are very distinct because they are on completely different sides.

This distinction is important because it helps us separate and learn. People need order in their life. That’s the idea of government but in the earth that generally fails if its authority is not governed by God. In heaven, the government is built on one word that governs all things, and heaven is clean and full of peace and joy. Unity reigns in heaven. What would happen if we all had the same mind of God working together like in heaven? Only the Spirit of God gives us a change in this world.

God’s truth gives us everything we need to live life on earth and create peace in our world. It would seem that everyone would want a common truth that would unite all people together and bring peace and love to our world, but the truth of man has been strongly influenced by the devil and his perversion of God’s truth. People have a hard time getting in sync with God’s truth because people have distorted it so bad that most can’t make sense of it anymore. Everyone has a voice, but if that voice is independent of the voice of the One True God, then we have confusion. (This way is a playground for depression, fear, and anxiety.)

God’s way requires obedience, humility, and sacrifice, but the reward is life beyond this world. Man’s way lets you choose your own truth, creating your truth according to your desires. The end is a cycle of sorrow and death that you can’t escape. This proves that man’s way or the truth of man is not the truth at all but a lie. It just seems like the truth to you because, well, it’s yours. But any truth that keeps you in a historical cycle of pain and sorrow, confusion and division is not a truth; it’s insanity. No matter how many times you try to fix it, you will fail because it all starts with the truth you are building your beliefs on.

There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of that way is death. Proverbs 14:12

God’s way of truth is not just for certain ones; it’s for everyone. And not everyone wants to follow the narrow way of truth that God has given us. From the beginning, we have always been allowed by God to make choices about what we serve in our life. Everyone serves something, whether you know it or not. I believe that God has not been represented correctly in the world, so man’s perception of Him is terribly defiled.

Why God’s Truth Matters

There are reasons why God’s way of truth is very important to all of us. Let’s start by giving a few reasons why.

You came from God.

You are a spiritual creature. Behind all flesh and blood, the skin you wear, there is a spiritual being who has left God and needs to return to Him to be complete. Every soul belongs to God, and living on the earth is where you learn that. Don’t you want to know who you are and why you are here? (To be continued).

God’s truth cannot lie.

In heaven, there is no sin, no lies, no murder, no famine, no pain, no sorrow, and no death. (And that’s just the beginning of the list of things not in heaven). That’s because God speaks truth and cannot speak otherwise. But you will find all these things on earth, among men and women who follow their truth, because all men are full of lies.

There can only be one truth in charge.

This is important to know. Unity is based on the oneness of thought and purpose. Those who follow God’s truth are immediately unified and made like-minded. This is why God uses Jesus as the Lord of the church or the head of the body. One body, unified by the One who leads it. (What would your body be like if your feet always wanted to do the opposite of what your head tells it to do?) The head leads, and the body follows.

As a side note, what we have called organized Christianity in our world today is not what oneness looks like. Christianity today is not unified by God’s truth. It serves the many desires of men and women and has denied God’s truth. While there will always be many different witnesses or administrations to the same truth, they will always be part of one truth.

It keeps heaven clean.

God’s judgment is righteous and holy, pure and undefiled by lust and self-gain. God’s truth keeps the evil out of heaven. If every creature of heaven were allowed to have his own ideas and truth independent from God, it wouldn’t be heaven anymore; it would be earth. God’s truth makes it possible to have eternal life full of peace and joy that never ends because His truth is the only truth in heaven.

God’s truth will free you in everything.

It’s a common misperception among men and women that God’s commandments are hard to follow and won’t allow for freedom in your life. But God’s truth and ways are given to us to show us how they live in heaven. It’s His truth that brings freedom to your heart and mind. It’s very satisfying to live free. They live free in heaven because of the oneness of order and faithfulness that abides in God’s truth. There’s no hiding, no deception among them, no lying to one another. You are what God says you are, and that’s the truth everyone lives by. God’s truth unites all to follow one way of thinking. That’s freedom!

God’s truth is a state of mind.

The prophet Isaiah said that God’s thoughts and ways are like heaven, and man’s thoughts and ways are like the earth. Isaiah 55:6-11 heaven is higher than the earth just like God’s thoughts and ways are higher than man’s. So imagine if you could think like heaven today. Thoughts of God are truth, light, hope, joy, peace, and forgiveness, which are all His. If this way of thinking becomes your state of mind, you would think and act like God.

Your truth has always come from a different source than you.

You must realize that absolute truth is beyond you and me. It has to be given to you by God. At first, it may appear that God is outside of you, but after receiving His truth, He reveals that He is in you and wants to duplicate Himself in you. If you continue in your own truth, you will remain who you are but continue on to death. When the Word of Truth, which is also the Spirit of truth, guides you, you will be one with heaven and be in sync with God’s truth.

Remember that no matter what truth you follow, it was not originally yours. Every truth that works in our world comes from a source other than your own. Spirits influence all truth. It’s God’s truth precisely the way He said it, or His truth perverted, defiled, and split into branches of different beliefs.

Yes, God’s truth still matters.

God’s truth does matter, and if your world is ever going to be saved, healed, and free, you need God’s truth in your life. Heaven is God’s state of mind, truth, and life. If all of us could walk in the way of God’s truth, our world would be a much better place. Let’s all take the time to look at this with greater enthusiasm. Let’s fasten our eyes upon the true God of Heaven, not the false god that man has represented in our world.

The truth of God still matters, and we must find it before the love of this world destroys our souls forever.

Remember, this truth is an entrance to the Spirit. Like Jacob’s dream in Genesis 28, where the heavens were opened, a ladder reached from heaven to earth, and Jesus stood above the ladder while angels ascended and descended between heaven and earth. They were ministering spirits sent out to minister the truth of heaven to people on the earth. Jacob woke up from his dream and knew immediately that this was the narrow gate and entrance into heaven. This is how to receive the truth of God. More on this later.

What’s the answer?

We have a Bible that helps put truth in context, but as we all know, truth is built on how we interpret it. So what’s the answer to living in the truth and obtaining eternal life? It’s simple, have a clean heart and be honest before God. You may not have all truth and may not understand all things or even do everything right. But what you do have is the power to love God first and make sure His voice is heard above your own.


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