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Did Jesus Rise From the Dead or Not?

I know the title question might sound silly, considering that everyone knows that Jesus has risen. The Bible says it, the pastors of our world preach it, and even the world itself knows the story of Jesus in some fashion. But I want to provoke you to ask yourself whether Jesus has risen based upon how you live your life. I’m convinced that not everyone believes He has risen, even people in our churches. Let me explain why.

Years ago, I was seeking the Lord about how to preach the gospel in today’s world. When I looked at the apostles of Jesus, they carefully preached that He was the true messiah and God that manifested in the world to die and rise again in the resurrection from the dead. They preached this gospel as direct witnesses of His glory after He appeared to them and revealed Himself to them. Jesus chose them to tell everyone that they saw Him and that He was alive. Everyone else was allowed the opportunity to hear the resurrection gospel and begin to follow it by walking in the faith and belief of His resurrection and theirs as well. To partake of His resurrection is to walk in the newness of life free from death. (This newness of life is a resurrection of the spiritual mind and not the fleshly body.) We can see that Jesus shared His resurrection with His apostles, and then they shared their experiences with the world as they knew it. Others partook of it as they believed in Jesus. Their lives tell the story that Jesus is alive because they lived as Jesus had risen.

As I pondered what they preached, I thought it was a good gospel for them and their situation. Jesus had come, and everything was new for all the believers of that time. I looked at that gospel for our current day and situation. I wondered what gospel needed to be preached in our day and our situation because today, everyone already knows that Jesus has risen from the dead. He’s been alive for a long time now, and everyone knows it. With that perception, I was looking for something else to preach. That was my mistake. There were still times I was judging after the flesh in those days. As always, God was faithful and answered my meditation by speaking to me and revealing that my thoughts were not true; not everyone believes that Jesus has risen. (Even today’s Christians don’t all believe it.) They know it by knowledge, but believing it and living it is another story.

This revelation was a game-changer for me because I realized that the gospel never changes, just its timing in the order of God. Now, everything I preach and teach is centered around the resurrection of Jesus. That’s why this website is tagged as “Jesus is Alive.” That’s why I named it Alive for Us. I want to tell everyone that Jesus is alive for us, and you can have resurrection eternal life if you believe in Jesus and His resurrection. Everything comes back to you having your own experience of Jesus through whatever means He gives you.

Do you believe Jesus raised from the dead? Look at your life to find the answer.

Jesus is the resurrection, but it’s more than a man who rose from the grave; Jesus is the Word. He is God, the Spirit that can live in you and give you a life that you can’t give yourself. Imagine the Word of God Himself living in you. That means the unstoppable, never-ending, incorruptible life is in you. Have you tapped into it? Have you let Him take over your life?

Jesus was not just a man; He was a quickening Spirit. (1 Corinthians 15) He is in heaven ruling and reigning until all His enemies are put under His feet. That means He’s reigning for you and me so that we also can overcome our enemies and join Him in His resurrection. To walk in the resurrection, we have to see Him as He is, the Son of God, eternal life that can never die. To believe in the resurrection is to be the children of the resurrection.

It’s easy to prove that people don’t believe that Jesus is alive in a resurrection; look at everyone’s life. How many people do you know who have resurrection life working in them and have exited from the grave with Jesus Christ? Believers who have power over devils and are not given to the spirit of the world. Believers who can ascend and descend between heaven and earth? (In the Spirit, of course.) How many do you know? (When you look, start with yourself.) When I looked closely, I realized at that moment that the eternal life of Jesus was missing from people’s lives, and I knew the resurrection gospel needs to be preached as much today as it ever has.

Modern Believers

When you look at our world and our churches, look at the knowledge of the Bible that fills our churches, and yet dead works are everywhere. The love for the world has captivated our churches, and God’s power has been lacking in believers. We can say the right things and play the part, but you can’t fake resurrection life in your soul. Preachers and leaders are continually adding new things to the gospel so they can mock or replace a genuine move of the Spirit in the churches. It won’t work.

For example, it is popular today to make your church dark by turning out the lights, cranking up the worship music, and manipulating the soul until it is convinced it has experienced the Spirit of God. But on Monday, where is the proof of all the things you promised God while the powerful music, the darkness, and bright lights hypnotize your soul? Where is the power of a living Jesus when temptation is chasing you? Where is resurrection when unrighteousness and sexual immorality come to your door? Nowadays, it doesn’t even have to be a physical person seducing you anymore; turn on your smart device and let your imaginations go wherever you want. (Imaginations are spirit and are more real than your physical life because they come from the heart.)

This kind of church doesn’t look like a church that is walking in the resurrection of Jesus. When it’s easier for you to scroll on your phone for hours watching mindless stupidity and binging continuous television series instead of using that zeal to seek God, it is apparent that believing in the resurrection of Jesus is lacking big time. It should be easy to see that resurrection is not working there through a personal experience. I intend to provoke you to believe that Jesus has risen when someone tells you, but I also want you to experience it for yourself and have its fruit in your life.

Growing in the resurrection is a real thing.

Ok, I’ve put some things out there; now, let’s address the starting point. Believing that Jesus has risen has to start somewhere, so you are ready for the next part if you at least have that belief. Let’s be clear again: if you are with us, you are in a resurrection gospel; it’s just not finished yet. Your eyes are not fully awake yet, so don’t count yourself out. You’re hearing now; you’re growing now; you’re walking in truth now. Let resurrection have its day in your life.

My intent is not to say that no one believes that Jesus has risen; many do believe. But to what level? Believing that Jesus rose from the dead changes your life and lifestyle, but are you applying it to your life? This resurrection life is not something to ignore; it’s a powerhouse truth that turns you into a person who seeks the things above in heaven where Jesus is now. In Colossians 3:1-3 there is a reason why Paul said, “If you are raised with Christ” in verse one. In resurrection you are seeking the heavens above. Living in the resurrection means you have access to heaven and the kingdom of God, and that’s what you desire. If you are not seeking heaven, are you risen with Him? (I’ll leave that between you and Jesus.)

Many people spend too much time glorifying their weakness as if death is stronger than life. We use excuses for our weaknesses, like I struggle with my desire to serve God, can’t concentrate long enough to read a chapter in the Bible, or don’t understand everything I’m hearing.

Believers press through those things and ask for guidance, seek understanding, and knock at heaven’s door until they get an answer.

Stop believing your weakness is greater than the resurrection of Jesus. It’s all lies! Resurrection is the destruction of death, and Jesus is making you partakers with Him right now.

If I have challenged you to examine yourself to see if you believe in the resurrection of Jesus, then you are better for it. If you believe it and are currently walking in it, go until it’s finished. If not, continue letting the gospel of resurrection sow into your heart and get ready for the risen Lord to reveal Himself. But whatever you do, don’t ignore it; test yourself to find its truth. Find the answer to the question; do I believe Jesus has risen or not?

How do you get a resurrection with Jesus Christ?

Die with Him, and you will be raised with Him. Resurrection starts now!


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