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Old Becomes New

The Old Testament accomplished exactly what God needed it to do. The law of sin and death had been made manifested among God's people and a need for a savior was upon them. Incomes the new with the arrival of Jesus Christ and a brand new promise and covenant for His people to live in.

Old Testament Ends – The books of the Old Testament are full of prophecies of the coming Messiah who is called Christ, the Son of God. It also has many types and shadows of Jesus hidden in its pages, just waiting to be revealed by the New Testament Gospel.


The old is a gospel that manifests the sin and death that works in man, specifically the first Adam. Under the burden of the first Adam, sin would find its strength in the law of God and work much death in God’s people and beyond.


The old testament is full of many examples to learn. These examples, however, need the Spirit of God to make them come alive in us so that we can genuinely learn from them. This brings us to the New Testament, or the new covenant. This new covenant is the answer to overcoming sin and death. The New Testament reveals God’s greatest gift; Jesus.



The New Testament Begins – The Old Testament is full of many promises of God, but because of the weakness of the flesh, those promises are incomplete. The good news is that there is more of God’s story to tell. Once sin has been manifested, and death is at work in you, there needs to be a way of escape from sin and death. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life that God provides for His people. Without the new covenant, the first Adam would have no hope of ever waking up from his deep sleep. Jesus, who is the last Adam, is the hope of waking Adam up.


God gives Adam hope as Jesus Christ is born into the same world that he got put into when he was sent from the garden of God. Why is this important? This is your story because you are Adam, and you have the same hope. You may not remember, but you were sent forth from God’s dwelling place to learn how sin and death will destroy you. Your only hope, just like Adam, just like Israel, and every other person on the earth is the coming of Jesus Christ.


In the New Testament, God fulfills His promise that He gave Abraham.


Galatians 3:16 The promises were spoken to Abraham and his seed. He does not say, “And to seeds,” as referring to many, but rather to one, “And to your seed,” that is, Christ. 


It’s exciting to think that before the world even began that God already had the predestination of Jesus Christ in His thoughts. God’s will for His people will not fail and never even have a chance to fail. As long as Jesus is manifested in the world, the hope of eternal life, free from death, remains our hope.


But before Jesus could be revealed, a forerunner named John the Baptist would be born to prepare the way of Jesus Christ.

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