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Whatever things were written in former days were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. Romans 15:4

The Bible is the revelation of Jesus Christ. This book is written to reveal Jesus Christ in you from start to finish. You will experience the Bible when your perception turns from the natural to the spiritual and from the earthly to the heavenly.


The Bible is not meant to be just a book of history that focuses on the earth and its people. It wasn't written as a book of do’s and don'ts. It's meant to be the words of God that everyone experiences by the Spirit within themselves. A book that reconnects us back to God and reveals how to be transformed into His likeness. For this to happen, we must see this book as a spiritual book and not a book written just by physical witnesses of men.


The Bible does use historical lessons to teach spiritual principles in your life. Spiritual enlightenment is what God has always intended for His Holy Bible. When this book becomes so personal that you can apply it’s heavenly and earthly principles to your life, you will find that the Bible is ALIVE and full of treasures to guide you to the joys of life. The life that has always been intended for God’s creation.


The Bible is full of the testimonies and works of faithful men and women, as well as unfaithful men and women. That means that every act of faith towards God, or every act of wickedness against God is there in the Scriptures to help you discern the difference between good and evil. More importantly though, they are there to help you discern both good and evil in your own life and within your own thoughts.


This overview gives you a simple view of the key people and main events of the Bible. Without the Spirit of Christ, it will be another book filled with many stories and meaningless examples. But give yourself to the Spirit, and this book will come alive in you. It will reveal to you that these were not just people or events of another time, but they are happening in you now by the Spirit, speaking and teaching the truth to you to bring you to the fullness of salvation.


This overview of the Bible will look at twelve significant periods and their main events. 


    1. The Beginning

    2. The Fall of Adam

    3. The Flood and a New Covenant

    4. The Patriarchs (Israel’s Beginnings)

    5. Israel’s Captivity in Egypt

    6. The Exodus and the Wilderness

    7. Israel’s New Home (Promise Land)

    8. The Judges Lead Israel

    9. The Kings and the Prophets

    10. Israel’s Captivity and Return Home

Old Testament Ends

New Testament Begins

    11. Jesus Manifested in the Flesh

    12. The Apostles and the New Church

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